Is Infinity Processing System A Scam or Legit?

Infinity Processing System - Hype!

Name: Infinity Processing System


Owners: Adriana Villegas

Training Quality: 3/10

Mentorship/Support: 0/10

Websites Included: YES

Free Trial: NO

Overall Rank: 2/10

infinity processing System logo

  In the Digital Marketing world Infinity Processing System is making waves with its promise of harnessing social media to earn high-ticket affiliate commissions by simply copying and pasting ads online. But with the e-learning industry expected to reach $325 billion by 2025, you have to ask yourself: Is Infinity Processing System a scam or is it a legit opportunity in this booming market?

Being able to make up to $600 per day from a copy & paste blueprint using free traffic methods sounds too good to be true. I personally invested $300 at the pro level to give you an unfiltered look inside the members area. We’ll explore the system in detail with a candid look at what other reviews seem to not want to show you – the training itself!

My main goal of this review is to shed light and clear any confusion you have on Infinity processing System, what it is, how it works, and what you’re selling to make affiliate commissions if you decide to join.

I’ll also share my critique of this system from  not only my own hands-on experience with the training, but also from years of experience evaluating various BS make-money-online programs. By the end of this review, you’ll have all the information you need to decide whether or not this will be worth your time and investment.

What Is Infinity Processing System?

Infinity Processing System - 6 figure blueprint image

The Infinity Processing System markets itself as a “six-figure copy-paste blueprint,” claiming users can earn up to $600 a day by posting pre-written ads on social media. It consists of a suite of digital products aimed at teaching beginners digital marketing.

While there are no monthly auto-ship fees required, there is a one-time admin fee of $39 when you join. 

Who Owns Infinity Processing System?

Infinity Processing System: Adriana Villegas

Infinity Processing System was created by Adriana Villegas, and was launched in 2021. 

From my research, Adriana has been involved in these types of questionable make-money-online schemes since 2018. Programs like Email Processing System, Newbies On Fire, and $25 Dollar 1up just to name a few 

infinity processing system: Adriana Villegas

How Does Infinity Processing System Work?

Infinity Processing System - 3 step system

 The process is straightforward: you take ready-made ads and copy-paste them onto popular social media platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok. Sounds easy, right?

Here are two of the many ads that are available for you to use :

 Infinity Processing System - marketing ad  Infinity Processing System - marketing ad

You can see that they are overly hyped, chessy, and scream “SPAM”

Why You Shouldn’t Buy Solo Ad Traffic

If you decide to go the free route your game plan will involve posting ads, building relationships, and spending a lot of time on social media searching for potential prospects

 It’s  probably safe to say that you’re not going to see immediate results when you’re first starting out unless you already have a following on social media.

If you’re working with a budget, you’ll have the option of purchasing one of the solo ad packages that are available. While solo ads can be an effective way to make sales and grow your list, I wouldn’t recommend  them to someone who is just getting started due to the risks involved.

Solo ads have a notoriously bad reputation for being a low quality source of traffic, and a haven for scammers posing as solo ad venders who are looking to capitalize on your ignorance by selling you bot traffic. If you’re inexperienced and new to online marketing in general, do yourself a favor…avoid them!

Inside the Members Area

The membership area for the $300 Pro level:

Infinity Processing System $300 level members area

You get 18 training modules with each focusing on different aspects of online marketing. Within each module are a collection of videos to watch.  

What Will You Be Selling? 

If you decide to join the Infinity Processing System, what you’re primarily selling is the system itself – a suite of digital training courses. It’s important to understand that here the “product” is the opportunity to sell the training you just bought. You’re essentially just acquiring the resell rights to the products.

In the Infinity Processing System, the training component is a key feature. It covers basic principles of digital marketing. However, the emphasis is not solely on these skills.

A significant part of the training is dedicated to teaching you how to recruit others into the system. This approach is typical to many multi-level marketing (MLM) schemes.

The training includes:

  • Digital Marketing Basics: These are foundational concepts that can be useful for beginners
  • Recruitment Strategies: A large portion of the training focuses on how to bring new members into the system. This is crucial to understand, as your success in the program may heavily depend on your ability to recruit.

While the training provides some value, especially for those new to digital marketing, it’s essential to be aware of its heavy recruitment focus. This might not align with your expectations or personal goals. If you’re looking for in-depth digital marketing skills, you might find the training lacking in advanced topics.

A Facebook Training Deep Dive

 For the sake of brevity, we’ll only look at the marketing strategies taught in regards to Facebook, and how ridiculously ineffective the whole process is.

Since the Infinity Processing System lacks a Free-Trial period and has a strict “NO REFUND” policy, I feel it’s my responsibility to thoroughly educate and inform you about its features and potential drawbacks, so you can make an informed decision without any surprises.

 I’ll discuss both the training and the products together, as the products themselves constitute the training material. This is what you’ll be promoting to earn commissions

Behind The Likes: A Real Look At IPS’s Facebook Formula

Infinity Processing System Facebook Training

The Infinity Processing System training on Facebook marketing covers several key areas, each promising to enhance your digital marketing skills. A deeper dive into these modules reveals some noteworthy limitations and challenges.

The first 3 modules basically set the tone with the intro explaining why Facebook is such a fantastic place to promote IPS along with how to set up and optimize your profile. Nothing too insightful here.

“The Power of Sharing Your Story”: This module encourages creating a personal “zero to hero” story to inspire potential customers and build influence. While the concept of attraction marketing through storytelling can be powerful, it raises the question: is this truly about affiliate marketing, or is it veering into the realm of personal branding? The effectiveness of this strategy heavily depends on the authenticity and relatability of your story.

“Generate Massive Traffic”: Here, the training suggests interviewing experts in your niche to gain authority and provide value. This idea sounds great in theory, but it overlooks a significant hurdle for beginners: the challenge of convincing established experts to participate in interviews, especially when you’re lacking a substantial following or established credibility yourself.

“Get to Know Your Audience”: Understanding your audience’s desires is marketing 101. This points out the obvious: people in the make-money-online niche want to earn from home. However, it doesn’t seem to provide deeper insights or strategies on how to leverage this understanding effectively in a crowded and competitive market.

“100 Facebook Marketing Groups”: The training advises joining 100 Facebook work-from-home groups as a platform to copy and paste your pre-written ads. While this might seem like a straightforward strategy to reach a large audience, the reality of these groups paints a different picture. These groups are often saturated with other network and affiliate marketers, all vying for attention by spamming their own ads. This environment creates a cluttered and competitive space where standing out is exceptionally challenging. The likelihood of your ad making a meaningful impact in such an overcrowded arena is minimal, raising questions about the effectiveness of this approach.

In summary, if you’re expecting engaging and dynamic content, think again. Each portion of the Facebook training seems to have significant practical limitations.

From the reliance on personal influence and storytelling to the competitive and saturated nature of Facebook marketing groups, the strategies proposed lack the depth and practicality needed for beginners to effectively break into the digital marketing space. 

Infinity Processing System - 100 Facebook GroupsWhen I’m reviewing products like this, I always ask myself the question: Is there a company in the world that would pay me money for the skills that I’m acquiring in this course?  Or would a business owner even hire me as a freelancer to help drive sales and increase his bottom line through the education I’ve received as a result of buying this product?

How Much Is Infinity Processing System?

Infinity Processing System has 4 levels that you can jump into with a one-time admin fee of $39 and no monthly fees.

Infinity Processing System: $50 starter levelInfinity Processing System $50 levelInfinity Processing System: $150 elite levelInfinity Processing System $150 member levelInfinity Processing System: $300 pro levelInfinity Processing System $300 pro levelInfinity Processing System: $600 premium levelInfinity Processing System $600 Premium level

This is a “pay to play” system this means you must buy one of the 4 digital products and own the resell rights first before you can earn commissions!

But guess what?

You’re only eligible for the commissions on the specific digital product you bought.

 For example: You buy into the $50 level. Now, let’s say you recruit someone through your link, and they dive in at the $150 level, you earn a cool $50 commission – sweet! Right?

But, what happens to the rest of that $100? It takes a detour straight up to your sponsor. Buying the $600 digital product ensures earnings across all 4 levels.

Let’s all admit – this kind of compensation plan, where money flows up the ladder like this is a hallmark trait of a pyramid.

Does the Infinity Processing System Have A Refund Policy?

No, as stated in their Refund Policy, Infinity Processing System DOES NOT issue refunds of any kind.

Infinity Processing System: refund policy

Important Things To Consider

  • Overpriced Products: When you examine the overall marketing education you receive, the price hardly justifies the value. Keep in mind, you’re paying for something that’s not cheap in exchange for mediocre marketing tactics. The hallmark tenet of IPS is how many commission sales you can make versus the quality of the training.
  • MLM Structure: Infinity Processing System possesses an MLM style framework which differs little in comparison to your typical MLM opportunity. Even though you won’t be paying a monthly autoship fee, or build a traditional downline, you’ll still be recruiting instead of selling digital marketing training because nobody joins for the actual products.
  • No Trial Offer: Not offering a free-trial period only shows the lack of confidence and faith that Adriana Villega has in her own product, and to make matters worse – No Refunds!
  • Pay to Play: If you want to make money selling Infinity Processing System to others, you’re going to have to first purchase one of the four digital marketing products. You shouldn’t have to pay for the privilege to become an affiliate of a company’s products or services. A significant up-front investment is highly irregular, but it’s a requirement that’s normalized and prevalent in multi-level marketing opportunities.

The Benefits of Infinity Processing System

Since Infinity Processing System is essentially an entire ‘business in a box’, everything will be served to you on a digital platter. From the marketing materials, ready-made templates, to having your own replicated website, you don’t have to lift a finger.

The Drawbacks of Infinity Processing System

As a beginner, the biggest drawback you’re going to face is your ability to drive a steady stream of leads to your offer. Unless you already have a large following on social media, making sales will be challenging to say the least.

 Also, the lack of genuine skill development. Depending on a done-for-you system takes away the opportunity to learn real digital marketing skills. Instead of learning the fundamentals of affiliate marketing, you’re essentially riding a bicycle with training wheels, never mastering the balance and skill needed to ride independently on your own.


The Infinity Processing System seems less focused on e-learning and more on recruiting people into its system. Your focus will be fixed on this perpetual cycle of recruiting, and this is why your success is going to be directly tied to how well you can follow the “Attraction Marketing” formula style of selling. 

It would be a shock for you after paying the money to join only to realize that you simply can’t plaster ads all over social media and expect to have people flocking to your affiliate links in droves with money in hand. It simply doesn’t work that way, and to believe otherwise is not very realistic.

The website’s sales copy effectively paints a picture where a newbie can quickly achieve the “laptop lifestyle” and retire to the beach.

Along with the “done for you” approach that this program loudly boasts of, it all creates the false notion that minimal skills are required in order to have a profitable business.

If you couldn’t re-sell the digital products inside of Infinity Processing System, the entire value would simply collapse in on itself because the digital products hold little to no worth.

If you’re interested in learning real affiliate marketing, and not becoming the next Heavyweight copy-paste champ, I would save my money and pass on this course.

A Better Alternative 

 If you’re looking for a way to create income online without having to recruit people or copy-paste spammy ads, check out how you can create your own little corner of the Internet and share stuff your passionate about by starting your own Affiliate blog niche website.

The best part? You’ll be part of a community of Affiliates who are not just talking the talk, but are walking the walk. A real affiliate marketing training platform that’s been around since 2005 with hundreds of thousands of successful Affiliates. Heck, you can even get started for FREE. No credit card needed, just a full 2-week exploration.

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